03 : About me

What inspired you to pursue a career as a game designer?

My journey as a game designer began at a young age when I was introduced to World of Warcraft, a renowned fantasy MMORPG, by my older brother. From my first experience playing the game, I was immediately captivated by its immersive world and intricate gameplay. This sparked a passion within me to create my own games and offer players similar captivating experiences. Over the years, I have honed my skills and knowledge in the field through education and hands-on experience, and I am now dedicated to designing engaging and entertaining games that captivate players in the same way that World of Warcraft captured me.

What do you believe sets your designs apart from others in the industry?

I believe that what sets my designs apart from others in the industry is my focus on creating unique and immersive experiences for players. I take a player-centric approach to game design, carefully considering what players want and need from a game, and incorporating that into my designs. I also pay close attention to the little details that can make a big impact, such as the game's soundtrack, graphics, and overall atmosphere. Additionally, I stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technology in the industry to ensure that my designs are cutting-edge and stand out from the competition. By combining my technical skills, creative vision, and player-focused approach, I am confident that my designs offer something truly unique and enjoyable for players.

How do you ensure that your designs are both challenging and fun for players?

Ensuring that my designs are both challenging and fun for players is a top priority for me. To achieve this, I rely on the principles outlined in the book "The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses" by Jesse Schell. In this book, Schell explains the importance of designing games that are both engaging and challenging for players. I follow this guidance by carefully balancing the difficulty level of my games, providing players with just the right amount of challenge to keep them motivated and engaged. Additionally, I strive to create fun, entertaining experiences that players will want to keep coming back to. By combining challenging gameplay with enjoyable experiences, I am confident that my designs will provide players with a rewarding and satisfying gaming experience.

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable project you have worked on and what you learned from it?

One particularly memorable project that I worked on was a multiplayer deathmatch game I created as a college exam project. I was part of a team that I had handpicked, and we worked together to bring the game to life. The project was a great learning experience for me as it allowed me to put into practice many of the theories and techniques I had learned in my game design classes. It was also an opportunity for me to collaborate with a team and see how different perspectives and skills can come together to create something truly special.

What I learned from this project was the importance of communication and collaboration in game design. Working with a team allowed me to better understand the value of each person's contribution and how to effectively communicate my own ideas. Additionally, I learned about the challenges of creating a multiplayer game and how to overcome them. Overall, this project was a great stepping stone for me in my game design career, and I am proud of what we were able to achieve together as a team.